Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sol n' Soul

I'm sitting on my balcony staring off into the distance lost in the beautiful view of the mountains while my minds eye wanders; roaming and pondering and turning over my choice of title for this blog. I've always had the tendency to over think things. I believe that everything has meaning of some sort; from the wind blowing through the trees, to my choice of underwear. There is nothing untouched in my mind by the creator. So my obsession has extended to the title of my blog. Sol in Spanish means sun. My nickname is Sunshine, my star sign is the Sun. The sun has always been a piece of my life and personality from days after my birth when my parents discovered they hated the sound of what they had named me :-). I love the sound of sol, the feel of sol, the heat of sol, the love of sol. Sol for me is a place from where I draw energy. It also happens to sound the same as one of my favorite words in the English language, Soul. Soul for me doesn't simply have religious and spiritual connotations. Soul is a way of living. Everything that a soulful person touches is given a new burst of life, feeling and emotion. Soul is embedded in the way you speak, how you walk, in how you listen, and what you choose to learn. It's who you are. Soul is so essential to all of our lives that we often forget that it isn't simply a genre of music, or something that a religion can save. For this blog, I hope that Sol will be a light for you, and will give you a spark of anything to make you feel; and I pray that a little of my Soul makes you fall in love with living all over again.

Peace and Light

Friday, October 1, 2010

The truth of the matter...

The truth of the matter is I want to say something so profound that people remember my words for generations to come. The truth of the matter is that I have tried and failed to do so in a blog once before. The truth of the matter is that I'm going to try again. The truth of the matter is most days I don't think that my words carry much weight. The truth of the matter is that most days I allow my ego to do the heavy lifting. The truth of the matter is I want to create something pure and relevant. The truth of the matter is that this blog is not planned and will be based on trial and error. The truth of the matter is that I suck at grammar. The truth of the matter is I'm trying to get better. The truth of the matter is that even though I may want these words to stick and to shift the atmosphere I have no idea whose eyes and ears they will fall on. The truth of the matter is that even though I've started this blog with good intentions some days I will forget what they are. The truth of the matter is that I am human, I am learning, and I am trying. Andrew Keen writes in his book The Cult of the Amateur "Today, on a Web where everyone has an equal voice, the words of the wise man count for no more than the mutterings of a fool" (Keen 30). The truth of the matter is I hope that I don't fall into the category of the fool...
Peace and Light

Keen, Andrew. The Cult of the Amateur. New York: Doubleday, 2007. 30. Print.